What Are Postillion Boots?

If you have ever seen postillion boots, it must have been during a visit to a museum. Or on a postillion. Still confused? Well, let us then briefly define what are postillion boots, and what are postillions in the first place.

Postillions are people who guide a horse-drawn post chaise or a coach. As opposed to coachmen, who direct their horses from the comfort of their coaches, postillions are actually doing that while mounted on horses. This allows them more control over the horses, as well as a quicker reaction, when needed.

Postillion boots are part of the standard postillion riding gear, and they are today seen mostly on ceremonial occasions around the world, especially around the UK when transporting members of the royal family.

What Are Postillion Boots?

Originally, they were extremely heavy and stiff. Nothing we would want to be wearing around today.

Their typical looks include a thigh-high design, and we can mostly see them in classic black colors. Most of the times, postillion boots were crafted in thick leather uppers and had a straight vamp seam. The leg to knee area of the boot is super rigid and stiff and has an extra layer to make it even stiffer.

The front top is usually cut a bit higher when compared to the back, allowing more flexibility in the knees of the riders. Heels are leather stacked and come with nail heads. On top of that, postillion boots have heavy metal spurs.

What a burden to wear, right?

No need to worry, however, as most modern postillions wear modern riding boots, too.


We believe it is important to create super modern types of boots, just as it is important to cherish the old ones.

Postillion boots are surely one of those types of footwear that often tend to be forgotten, but they did have an important role in human history. And, after all, they did contribute to the development of the modern riding boots. Ever had a chance to see some?

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